
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Used by God, for God~

The tables were set, the turkey was cooked along with ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, dressing and rolls. The butter was softened, as the drinks were poured. And we can't forget about the deserts! In the back of the room the clothes were washed, hung and folded, ready to wear. This sounds like an average house celebrating a holiday.

Not so...............

This was NOT your average house. This was God's house and He was hosting a grand Thanksgiving celebration for the neighborhood of Linwood. The underprivileged, the lowest of incomes, some of the poorest of poor. And I got to be one of God's servants! I was grateful!

It was the evening before Thanksgiving where my church, Asbury United Methodist, were the hands and feet of Jesus, the Body of Christ. Our second year providing a Thanksgiving meal and offering our guests an opportunity to go "shopping" without using any money. ALL the clothing and blankets were gifts.

I was asked to greet and mingle. Not a hard job for those that know me! I met John. A man in his 50's that couldn't remember much after the 1980's. Then there was Ruby, a beautiful 6 year old girl with such a sparkle in her eye. She and I hung out for a while. But what moved me the most was a family of 5. Mom, dad, and 3 children under the age of 10. I watched this family. I saw the dad get up and leave while the mom hung her head in such discouragement. Her children continued to eat. I made my way over to her and sat down next to her and began inquiring about her sadness. With tears in her eyes she said that the gas company was not going to be able to turn her gas on until Tuesday and how was she going to feed her children and it was going to turn cold. The bill was paid. But she missed their phone call earlier because she wanted to bring her children to the church to eat a meal. The gas company was now closed. First I began to pray silently, then I thought, there must be someone in this room that has authority or connections that could assist this family. I sought out 2 of our pastors, where they took over. I saw the family leave and said another prayer. I received a message from one of the pastors that informed me, one hour after my conversation with this woman, the gas was turned on!!!

My hope is that this woman, her family, and all the guests that were served last night saw Jesus. Either in a word of encouragement, a look of acceptance, a hug of love, or a plate of food.

Being called into servant hood unto the Lord IS the most rewarding calling one can EVER receive. And I believe, ALL are called~

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